El Lenguage Figurativo

Metáforas y Símiles

El símile compara dos cosas disimilares mediante las palabras "como" o "cual". Por ejemplo, "sus pies eran tan grandes como lanchas". O bien, "el amor, cual enredadera en roble". En estos casos comparamos los pies con una lancha y el amor con la unión de las dos plantas, la esbelta enredadera y el robusto roble .

La metáfora compara dos cosas sin el uso de palabras de comparación. "La madre es la ancla de la familia." "La vida es sueño".

Estas expresiones fueron tomadas de un texto escolar de una escuela norteamericana.

Se les pide a nuestros amigos de InglesParaLatinos.com que manden mensajes señalando las metáforas y símiles más comunes en sus países. Publicaremos sus sugerencias en nuestra página principal. Manden sus aportes a Nuestros Dichos .

Este ejercicio será una oportunidad de emplear sus conocimientos del inglés en una tarea auténtica.


A simile is a comparison using the words "like" or "as". It usually compares two dissimilar objects. For example: His feet were as big as boats. We are comparing the size of feet to boats.

A metaphor states that one thing IS something else. It is a comparison, but it does NOT use the words "like" or "as" to make the comparison. For example: Her hair is silk. The sentence is comparing (or stating) that hair is silk.

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Aquí tienes un ejercicio. Decide si cada oración contiene símile o metáfora, luego haz 3 cosas (las instrucciones están en inglés:

a. Write the word SIMILE if the sentence contains a simile or write the word METAPHOR if the sentence contains a metaphor.
b. Write the words being compared.
c. Write the meaning of the simile or metaphor based on the context of the sentence.

1. The baby was like an octopus, grabbing at all the cans on the grocery store shelves.
a. _____
b. Words being compared:______________________________________________
c. Meaning: ___________________________________________________________

2. As the teacher entered the room she muttered under her breath, "This class is a three-ring circus!"
a. _____
b. Words being compared:______________________________________________
c. Meaning: ___________________________________________________________

3. The giant's steps were like thunder as he ran toward Jack.
a. _____
b. Words being compared:______________________________________________
c. Meaning: ___________________________________________________________

4. The pillow was like a cloud when I put my head upon it after a long day.
a. _____
b. Words being compared:______________________________________________
c. Meaning: ___________________________________________________________

5. I feel like a limp dishrag.
a. _____
b. Words being compared:______________________________________________
c. Meaning: ___________________________________________________________

6. Those girls are two peas in a pod.
a. _____
b. Words being compared:______________________________________________
c. Meaning: ___________________________________________________________

7. The fluorescent light was the sun during our test.
a. _____
b. Words being compared:______________________________________________
c. Meaning: ___________________________________________________________

8. No one invites Harold to parties because he's a wet blanket.
a. _____
b. Words being compared:______________________________________________
c. Meaning: ___________________________________________________________

9. The bar of soap was like a slippery eel during the dog's bath.
a. _____
b. Words being compared:______________________________________________
c. Meaning: ___________________________________________________________

10. Ted was as nervous as a cat with a long tail in a room full of rocking chairs.
a. _____
b. Words being compared:______________________________________________
c. Meaning: ___________________________________________________________

Si tienes alguna duda sobre estos ejemplos del símil y de la metáfora y quisieras recibir las respuestas, pídelas a ¡Escríbenos!

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